
By empowering, uniting, and championing entertainment marketers and creatives at every career stage, our membership tiers illuminate a path to boundless professional potential. Join our community where you will become a vital part of the Academy, a global consortium of dynamic and innovative entertainment marketers. Membership to the Academy community is a gateway to a world where creativity knows no bounds, and collaboration is paramount. Our membership tiers are designed to meet you where you are in your career journey, offering tailored workshops, industry mixers, events, and unique opportunities to showcase your skills and perspectives. When you join our consortium, you become a member of a think tank dedicated to advancing the art and science of entertainment marketing. Join us, be inspired, and let's shape the future of the industry together.

  • Emerging Professional - MONTHLY
    1 month
    Package price

    You are beginning your journey as an entertainment marketing professional. Our Emerging Membership is crafted specifically for individuals like you who are eager to navigate this dynamic landscape with confidence. Tailored to those within their first six years in the industry, this membership is your key to unlocking a wealth of knowledge, guidance, and experience. By joining, you'll tap into our longstanding industry insights, gaining exclusive access to the expertise of leading minds in the entertainment marketing community. Expect a journey filled with numerous networking opportunities, and tailored career development initiatives. Your Emerging Membership is not just a step; it's a leap towards a future where your potential knows no bounds. Welcome to a community dedicated to nurturing your growth and shaping the trajectory of your budding career.


    • Actively working in the entertainment marketing industry
    • Holds a qualifying role within the industry
    • (Typically) less than 6 years of direct experience within a qualifying role
  • Emerging Professional
    12 months
    Package price

    You are beginning your journey as an entertainment marketing professional. Our Emerging Membership is crafted specifically for individuals like you who are eager to navigate this dynamic landscape with confidence. Tailored to those within their first six years in the industry, this membership is your key to unlocking a wealth of knowledge, guidance, and experience. By joining, you'll tap into our longstanding industry insights, gaining exclusive access to the expertise of leading minds in the entertainment marketing community. Expect a journey filled with numerous networking opportunities, and tailored career development initiatives. Your Emerging Membership is not just a step; it's a leap towards a future where your potential knows no bounds. Welcome to a community dedicated to nurturing your growth and shaping the trajectory of your budding career.


    • Actively working in the entertainment marketing industry
    • Holds a qualifying role within the industry
    • (Typically) less than 6 years of direct experience within a qualifying role


    • Invitation to apply to Career Development Programs*
    • Exclusive programming for Emerging Members (Virtual & In-person)
    • Industry Mixers and Events
    • Opportunity to serve on Benefits Advisory Committee


    • Access to G.E.M.A. Community - Member Spotlight
    • Exclusive Member access to Global and Regional G.E.M.A. programming - Industry Mixers and Events, Workshops, Virtual Events, and Immersive Experiences
    • Exclusive Member Pricing for Annual 2 day Academy Event
    • Special Member pricing on Award entry fees
    • Membership Newsletter
    • Member Exclusive Pricing on G.E.M.A. Merch
    • Member Exclusive Pricing to various retailers and brands

    *Access to the program is contingent upon availability

  • test monthly payment again
    12 months
    Package price